Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Christmas Tree Frames

Hi!  Mindy here from Savvy Sisters.  I’m so excited for Christmas!  One of the things I look forward to most about this season is pulling out my Christmas tree and getting it all decorated.  Ever since last year, when I finally bought a big tree (I use to have just the 3 small trees) I have been adding more ornaments and such to my tree.  Last year I made the burlap snowflake stamped ribbon to put around the tree.  And this year I decided to add some pictures to my tree.  I love these frame overlays from the Wood Connection and they were perfect to put in my tree!  I like that they aren’t too heavy and I love the different shapes.  I decided to go with 3 frames.
Supplies needed:
-grey paint
-red paint
-red glitter
Glitter Frame
The first frame I decided to glitter the whole thing. I gave the frame a first coat of red.  Oh and go ahead and paint the back too!  You may be able to see it from another angle of your tree, I went back and painted mine.  Then get the glitter ready and paint a second layer of red paint and while still wet, place in the glitter.  You can follow these instructions if needed.
Striped Frame
The next frame I decided to paint it gray and do red stripes.  So first give it a light sand then paint it gray, I gave it two coats.  Don’t forget to paint the back also!  Once dry I cut some strips of contact paper for my stripes.  I eye balled this and didn’t do a super great job, but didn’t notice until it was done.  Oops!  After it was all taped off I first painted a light coat of wood glue so that my lines would come out nice and clean.  After that dried I painted 2 coats of red.  When finished, just pull off the tape.
Scrapbook Paper Frame
And my third frame I did scrapbook paper.  First I painted the outer and inner edges and of course the back of the frame red.  Then I traced the shape of the frame onto my paper and cut it out.  Once it was cut, I used wood glue to glue the paper to the frame.  You can click here for a tutorial if needed.  Then the last step is to use your sanding block to sand all the edges of the paper to give it a finished look.
I love the personal touch it added to my tree!  And the kids love seeing pictures of themselves on the tree.  This is my favorite spot in my house at Christmas time!

The post Christmas Tree Frames appeared first on The Wood Connection Blog.

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