Tuesday 16 February 2016

Notes from the Road (3) - Winter Logging the Pennsylvania Woods

Last week I was out showing around a VIP visitor to Penn State. Dr. Ivan Sopushynskyy is a visiting professor from the Ukrainian National Forestry University and he's here for a few months to look around and see what he can learn to enhance his research and teaching over in Ukraine.

My friend Andy Blazewicz is a consulting forester here in Central PA, and he offered to take us out to a job site. We visited a site where he's overseeing a 53-acre clearcut designed to enhance wildlife habitat and to provide hunting opportunity for the landowner. The following video gives you a sense of what it's like to be out in the woods while logging is going on. Andy talks forestry to Dr. Sopushynskyy and logger Rocky Souders tells us about his Bell harvester.

I'll post more from our travels together over the next couple of months.

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