Monday 8 February 2016

Holiday Tic Tac Toe

Every time my girls and I head into The Wood Connection they constantly want to make EVERYTHING they have there! This time they actually got to take something home to make and play with all on their own instead of only having it sit on the shelf as a "look only" item.

Valentines Craft

Box Sign Start out with 12 x 12 box sign and

10 hearts (mini heart overlays),

paint (red, white, and gold),



and a SharpieValentine CraftPaint 5 of the hearts red, the other 5 gold, and sand the edges. Paint the box sign white.

Tic Tac ToeNow, using your Sharpie, make a "tic tac toe" grid. Please don't look too close at mine, it was hard making the lines straight! Here is a hint: place the lines every 3.5 inches from each edge and from each other.

Have fun!

Tic tac toe

Valentines Tic Tac ToeDon't forget to use the same board aka box sign and get the next holidays mini overlays!St. Patrick's Day activity

Head on over to my blog, The Potters Place, to enter The Wood Connection giveaway! I hope you win the $25 gift certificate!

The post Holiday Tic Tac Toe appeared first on The Wood Connection Blog.

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